-c: Scroll to indicated column ( ColumnNumber) on filepath. -n: Scroll to indicated line ( LineNumber) on filepath. -L: Apply indicated localization, langCode maps to the localization file name:Īr, ar-dz, ar-bh, ar-eg, ar-iq, ar-jo, ar-kw, ar-lb, ar-ly, ar-ma, ar-om, ar-qa, ar-sa, ar-sy, ar-tn, ar-ae, ar-yeĮs, es-bo, es-cl, es-co, es-cr, es-do, es-ec, es-sv, es-gt, es-hn, es-mx, es-ni, es-pa, es-py, es-pe, es-pr, es-es, es-uy, es-veįr, fr-be, fr-ca, fr-fr, fr-lu, fr-mc, fr-ch. Mutually exclusive with -l (UDL will take priority Quote marks aren’t required around the name (like -udl=MyUDL). If the UDL name does not conain spaces, the -udl="My UDL Name": Open file with User Defined Language (UDL) syntax. Powershell, caml, ada, verilog, matlab, haskell, inno, cmake, yaml, r and jsp. Postscript, ruby, smalltalk, vhdl, kix, autoit, Gui4Cli,
Makefile, pascal, batch, ini, nfo, asp, sql, vb, javascript,Ĭss, perl, python, lua, tex, cobol, fortran, bash,Īctionscript, nsis, tcl, lisp, scheme, asm, diff, props, Normal, php, c, cpp, cs, objc, d, java, rc, html, xml, Language is a short identifier string, of which the following are allowed: -l: Open file or display ghost typing with syntax highlighting of choice.
-noPlugin: Launch Notepad++ without loading any plugin.-multiInst: Launch another Notepad++ instance, so user can have several.-help: The help message for command line arguments.To control its startup and affect its behavior. Notepad++ supports various case-sensitive command line parameters